
Dr Migrate Modes

Dr Migrate’s Rapid Insights can be generated immediately after synchornizing Dr Migrate with Azure Migrate. It is recommended to ensure both TCO config and Data Health steps are completed first.

Within the Insights chevron, you can access to different styles of reports - Live and Downloadable.

Live Report

Live reports provide a near real-time PowerBI report that allows you to step through and filter insights in the customers environment. This report is great when you want to drill down into a certain area of the customer’s environment.

Dr Migrate Modes

Downloadable Reports

Dr Migrate allows for the automatic creation of Presentation-ready PowerPoints that explore specific areas of the customer environment.

Simply click the Generate button, a report will be created based on the latest data set. Once generated you can copy and paste the Download Link into your browser to download.

Reports will take 10-15 minutes to generate
Dr Migrate Modes

When generating either the Infrastructure & Data or Security Insights reports, you will be given the option to generate a report using All Servers or just the server In Scope, to learn more about managing scope in Dr Migrate here
Report Description
Infrastructure & Data Insights Report that summarizes key findings ranging from Executive summaries, TCO scenarios, Sustainability, infrastructure, databases, ESU, modernization opportunities, and more.
Security Insights Detailed insights into customers current security tooling, ranging from what is deployed, opportunities to consolidate, cost savings and more.

AI Talk Track

Downloadable reports generated using Dr Migrate’s SaaS deployment mode come with AI Talk tracks embedded as notes for each key slide in the PowerPoint.

The AI Talk track feature is not available in Azure Marketplace deployed versions of Dr Migrate due to the complexities of setting up Azure OpenAI in a customer environment.

The talk track is an excellent tool to help you and your customer summarize key insights on the page and identify potential exploratory questions. As with all AI-generated content, remember that Azure OpenAI can make mistakes, so it’s crucial to verify important information.

Dr Migrate Modes

Refreshing Live Reports

The Live report will refresh with the latest data nightly. Click “Refresh” to force a refresh at any time. A refresh takes approximately 10 minuets.

Dr Migrate Modes

Additional Reports

In addition to the downloadable PPT’s there are various other additional reports that can be downloaded. Noteabaly is the Inventory Export, which contains details for all servers that have had data collected. Dr Migrate Modes