Installation varies depending on the product requested. While marketplace requires a full installation, the SaaS product is pre provisioned and simply requires connection data.
The Azure Marketplace offering deploys a managed application that contains the Dr Migrate solution to the customer’s Azure tenant.
Locate the Azure Marketplace Offer
On the customer’s Azure tenant, navigate to the Azure Marketplace.
If the customer’s subscription has been added to Dr Migrate then the offer can be found: Under the My Marketplace section, within the Private Plans item.
Create the Deployment
You will be redirected to the Dr Migrate Marketplace Offer within the Azure Portal. To proceed simply click the create button.
This will launch the deployment wizard which will enable you to deploy Dr Migrate.
Configure the Deployment
A guide to completing the fields within the install wizard follows:
- Subscription - Top level logical container used to provision and manage resources.
- Resource Group - Logical container for resources for Dr Migrate.
- Region - The location where all resources will be deployed.
- Application Name - The friendly name of the Managed application to be created.
- Managed Resource Group - The name of the application’s managed resource group that holds all the resources that are required by the managed application which the consumer has limited access to. In most cases, this does not need to be changed.
Deployment Details
- Organization Name - Name of your organization.
- Industry - Choose the industry that best describes your organization
- Credentials - Administrator username and password for the virtual machine. This can be used by the customer to log in for the first time.
- Virtual Machine Properties - The name and the size of the virtual machine to be deployed.
- Network Configuration - By default Dr Migrate is deployed in a isolated network configuration. Alternatively existing Virtual Network and Subnets can be associated with the deployment.
Data Provider
Azure Migrate has multiple ways of collecting dependency analysis, depending on your deployment requirements. Learn More: Agentless Vs Agent Based Discovery
- Data Provider Selection - Selection of Azure Migrate as Data Provider.
- Agentless Discovery - Select this if you are using Agentless dependency analysis in your Azure Migrate Project Configuration
- Agent-Based Discovery - Select this if you are using Agent Based dependency analysis in your Azure Migrate Project Configuration
- Azure Migrate Project - Select an existing Azure Migrate project.
- Service Principal - Select existing Azure Service Principal. Find the SPN created during prerequisite steps and enter the Password, this should be the Secret Value created during the perquisites step.
License Agreement and Privacy Policy
- Dr Migrate Licence Agreement - Dr Migrate Licence Agreement is available to review.
- Dr Migrate Privacy Policy – Dr Migrate Privacy Policy is available to review.
- Terms and Conditions Acceptance - Check to accept deployment terms and conditions.
- Dr Migrate Licence GUID - Licence GUID provided to you by your Deployment Engineer.
Marketplace Support
- Marketplace Support Acceptance - Check to accept Marketplace Support Terms.
Review and Create
All that’s left is to accept the Dr Migrate License Agreement, Marketplace Terms and hit create to being the deployment of Dr Migrate!
Dr Migrate SaaS Hosted uses Azure Migrate’s powerful data collection to derive valuable insights related to your cloud transformation, conveniently hosted within our secure Azure Platform.
This offering is delivered through our Azure Hosted platform, and is secured through B2B MFA Active Directory authentication can connect to view insights.
Accessing Dr Migrate SasS
Instances provisioned prior to October 6th, 2024 will remain available at
To prepare for a smooth sync process, ensure you have completed the pre-requisites here
Access your SaaS Instance
Find your instance in the list presented, if you have access to multiple instance’s, you can search for the instance you need.
Once you are logged in, you will see your deployment. If the VM is not started, please click Start.
Review Getting Started Wizard
The Getting Started Wizard will launch, and present you with some information about Dr Migrate and few short steps to connect your Azure Migrate Project with your instance.
Click Get Started to start the wizard.
Each section can be advanced using the right hand arrow.
Review Dr Migrate’s Assessment Types
The Getting Started Wizard will present you with two Assessment Types to choose from:
- Rapid Mode - The Rapid Mode Report provides a rapid snapshot into everything that has been discovered about your environment.
- Advanced Mode - The Advanced Mode Report provides insights at the application level that are generated after the upload of CMDB data.
For more information on the different types of assessment offered, please click here

Choose your Data Backend

Choose the required data backend of Azure Migrate.
Connect Azure Migrate to your SaaS instance
Clicking Azure Migrate will provide you with the below

Item | Where to Find in the information |
Azure Tenant ID | Search “Tenant Properties” in the Azure Search bar |
Azure Subscription ID | Head to the Azure Migrate Resource Group and select “Properties” |
Azure Migrate Project Resource Group | Head to the Azure Migrate Resource Group and select “Properties” |
Server Principal Application (Client) ID | Navigate to “App Registrations,” find the Dr Migrate SPN you created and select “Overview” |
Service Principal Secret Value | Retrieve the Service Principal Secret Value that you stored securely in in the prerequisites steps |
If any of this information is incorrect, or in the wrong format (in the case o the SPN Secret Value), you will receive a alert telling you how to resolve the issue.
Sync Data
Once this information is entered, you can click Sync Data, this will start the data ingestion from the Azure Migrate backend.