
The Servers dashboard allows you to view, information about the discovered server estate, and modify individual server records.

The Server dashboard is available in the Advanced Mode only.

Configuration Steps

Access Servers Dashboard

You can access the Servers dashboard from the Inventory Chevron


Select Section

The Servers dashboard is split into 3 sections

  • All Servers
  • Unmapped
  • Manually Entered

All Servers

Server List

Simply click the server from the list of discovered servers. You will be presented with the Server & VM Quick Editor for that server.

Quick Editor Sections

server List

The Application Quick Editor is split in to sections:

Section Description
Overview Edit key sections of the server record, including setting Target Azure Right Sizing SKU and Payment Model
Tags Add and remove tags to the server record
Notes Record notes against the server record.


On Premise Configuration

Overview 1

Here you can set the scope, environment of the server, and review key metrics

Target Azure Right Sizing SKU and Payment Model

Overview 1

Here you can modify the selected Azure SKU. Review and edit payment and licencing preferences.

You can also selectively enable Disaster Recovery and Backup settings for the server.


treatments 1

Here you can add tags to your application. Tags are Key Value Pairs.

Adding Tags

Tags can be added by clicking Add Tag

treatments 1

For more information on tags, including how to apply them in bulk, please see here


treatments 1

Here you can add longer form notes, such as application narrative content.

Ensure you click Save in order to record the applications notes