Inventory Upload

Inventory Menu

The Inventory section enables the assocation of servers to applications, it provides business context to the collected server telemetry.

Aim to get at least 30% of the server estate associated to applications. Next, use these defnitions to fill in the remaining gaps.

Server Mapping Explained

Download the App to Server Template

Download Pre-Filled App to Server Template

To begin the bulk mapping process scroll to the “Download Bulk Upload Template” section and click the button of the same name.

After around 30 to 60 seconds a template file will be created and a link icon will appear. The link can be clicked to copy the file link which can then be pasted locally to download the mapping template.

Remember, each time you to perform bulk mapping a new template must be generated so that the current snapshot of the mappings is referenced.

Updating the App to Server Template

The workbook is simple to update, columns in blue are user-editable

Example application to server mapping

The server-to-application mappings you provide do not have to be 100% complete for Dr Migrate to provide insights (accuracy is preferred), although the more mappings the better. If you’re unsure about any of the information, simply leave it blank.

Each field has either pre-defined values or allows free text input.

Name Reason for Capture
Scope To understand if the machine is a candidate for migration
Application Name The name of the associated business application (e.g., CMDB)
Environment The environment the Server is in e.g., Dev, Prod, UAT
Application Migration Strategy The Strategy for each Application e.g., Rehost, Replatform, etc.

Uploading App to Server Template

Please ensure that the export does not have any sensitivity labels or information protection rules applied to it. These restrictions affect the reading of the file.
Once the export is uploaded, the Digital Reports will take approximately 15 minutes to update, and will begin automatically.