
The Application dashboard allows you to view, information about the discovered application estate, and modify individual application records.

The Application dashboard is available in the Advanced Mode only.

Configuration Steps

Access Applications Dashboard

You can access the Application dashboard from the Inventory Chevron


Select Application

Application List

Simply click the application from the list of discovered applications. You will be presented with the Application Quick editor for that application.

Quick Editor Sections

Application List

The Application Quick Editor is split in to sections:

Section Description
Overview Edit key sections of the application record, and assign Team Members
Environments Define the Environment that the Application is a part of, and add new environments
Servers Add and remove the servers in the application
App Sizing See the complexity of the application, as determined by Application Complexity
Migration Treatment Add Application Treatment, and Answer Application Treatment Questions (If available)
Tags Add and remove tags to the application.
Notes Record notes against the application record.


Overview 1

Here you can set the scope of the application, add or update the application name, along with providing an application description. Migration Wave group assignment, can also be edited here.

Team Members and App Classification

Overview 1

Team Members can be added, for the app’s Owners and SME’s. These items can be used as part of report delivery, and filtering.

App classification values for Function nad Type can be set here, these values are an important part of scoping and costing.

Data Classification and Hosting Requirements

Overview 1

Set the PII status of the application, and its business critically. You can also mark if the application needs High availability High Availability or Disaster Recovery to be consider Data classification


Environments 1

Here you can assign an environment to your application. Environments are determined from what is selected in the [Inventory Upload][L1] step, they can also be added by using the Add New Environment

Adding a New Environment

Click Add New Environment Environments 1

Populate your environment details, making sure to check active.

You can also denote if the environment is a Isolated or Normal environment

Once saved the new environment will be available in the list


Severs 1

From this screen you are able to add and remove servers from an application.

Ensure that you select the environment that you want to make changes to first.

App Sizing

Sizing 1

Here you can view the Application Complexity for the chosen application.

For more information on application complexity, please see here

Migration Treatment

treatments 1

Here you can view the currently assigned migration treatment, and answer any applicable treatment questions (if assigned).

To update the assigned treatment, click Assign Treatment , to learn how to assign treatments, please see here


treatments 1

Here you can add tags to your application. Tags are Key Value Pairs.

Adding Tags

Tags can be added by clicking Add Tag

treatments 1

For more information on tags, including how to apply them in bulk, please see here


treatments 1

Here you can add longer form notes, such as application narrative content.

Ensure you click Save in order to record the applications notes