
Business Goals

Capturing business goals guides migration planning decisions. Dr Migrate visually ranks goals against key categories, emphasizing the importance of each goal. The steps aids in understanding which treatments best align to your organization’s overall strategy.

Business Goals

Planning Goals

The Business Imperatives panel allows you to define planning goals, related to your cloud migration. These simple questions, allow you to focus your discussion and approach toward key migration milestones.

Business Goals

Migration Approach

The Migration Approach Panel helps you identify and prioritize your migration strategies by ranking each 6R Treatment type from “Preferred” to “Not at all.” This process informs your migration decisions, aligns treatments with your strategic goals, and shapes an effective overall migration approach tailored to your business needs.

Business Goals

Rank Goals

Ranking your business goals is a crucial step in ensuring your cloud migration strategy aligns with your organization’s priorities.

By systematically evaluating and assigning importance to each goal, you gain clarity on what drives your business forward and where to focus your efforts. As goals are ranked, visuals are updated, providing a clear representation of your business and technology focuses, making it easier to communicate priorities across your organization.

Business Imperatives

Business Goals

Business Goals