Deployment Type

Dr Migrate can be deployed in two different ways.

  1. Azure Marketplace
  2. SaaS Hosted
The features and capabilities are identical. It is how and where Dr Migrate is deployed that differs.
Marketplace SaaS
What is it? A fully featured Dr Migrate that is installed within the customer’s Azure tenant A fully featured Dr Migrate that is hosted on Dr Migrate infrastructure.
When to use? Use when data residency and control are important to the customer. Quick turn around, minimal setup, customer is OK with SaaS service. No PowerBI tenant
Deployed to From the Azure Marketplace into the customer’s Azure Tenant. Customer does not need to deploy any Dr Migrate infrastructure. A dedicated SaaS instance is deployed by the Dr Migrate team for the customer in Dr Migrate’s own secure cloud environment.
Hosting Cost The cost of Dr Migrate’s Azure resources are charged to the customers subscription. ie VM, Bastion, Storage account. Note licensing is separate. There are no infrastructure charges for Dr Migrate as the hosting cost is picked up by Dr Migrate. Note licensing is seperate.
How to access? Logon directly from customer’s Azure subscription using Azure Bastion Via a web browser to a secure URL with AD integration.
Data Hosting All data is hosted in the customer’s Azure Tenant Data is hosted a dedicated SaaS instance by Dr Migrate. Customer instances are air gapped.