
Advanced Insights <

The Insights section of Dr Migrate is where key reports can be accessed directly through Power BI or generated as downloadable Powerpoint presentations.

To generate a report Click on the “Generate” button to create a new report. Depending on the report type, it may take between 1-15 minutes.

Report Description Available When
Rapid Infrastructure and Data Insights Summarizes key findings including TCO and app detection insights Azure Migrate is connected
Security Insights Summarizes current security posture and quick wins to improve it Azure Migrate is connected
Advanced Migration Insights A comprehensive summary of your entire estate’s migration assessment Application to Server & 6R Treatment mapping is completed

How to view an Insights Power BI Report

The aforementioned reports are all published to Power BI and embedded to the Dr Migrate web server.

To view, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the “Online Reports” seciton
  2. Left click “See Report” of the report you wish to view.
  3. The report will open in a new tab.

How to generate downloadable Powerpoint Reports

To generate the Dr Migrate insights reports as downloadable Powerpoints, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the “Downloadable Reports” section.
  2. Find the report you would like a Powerpoint for and click the “Generate” button. Advanced Insights <
  3. Reports typically take 5 to 10 minutes to generate.
  4. Once the report is generated, your download link will become available. Click ‘Copy URL to Clipboard’ and paste the link in a new browser window to download the report to your local machine. To see the last time a report was generated, check the “Last Generated” column. Advanced Insights <

How to generate downloadable Excel Reports

Dr Migrate provides a number of automated reports that summarize and detial many different facets of the migration assessment.

To generate an Excel report, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the “Additional Reports” section
  2. Find the report you would like an Excel for and click the “Generate” button.
  3. Reports typically take 50 to 10 minutes to generate.
  4. Once the report is generated, your download link will become available. Click ‘Copy URL to Clipboard’ and paste the link in a new browser window to download the report to your local machine. To see the last time a report was generated, check the “Last Generated” column.

This is the perfect starting place if you want an immediate view of modernization, right sizing and costing saving opportunities. A number of Excel PowerPoint reports are available.

There is a varied and ever expanding list of Excel reports within Dr Migrate, find a summary below.

Report Description Download Type
AMM - ACR by Waves Breakdown of ACR based on wave plan Excel
App to Server Export Current App to server mapping Excel
Application Sizing Export A breakdown of each application’s complexity rating Excel
Azure Rightsizing Export Azure right-sized details of all assessed servers Excel
Custom Tag Export A list of all tags defined per application and server Excel
Intel POP Export Intel artefact Excel
Inventory Export A detailed export of server and database information Excel
Migration Factory Report Potential Migration Factory opportunities Excel
MS Specialist Report Report of technology-focused opportunities Excel
Quick Wins A list of quick wins for POC or first wave migration Excel
Wave Plan Report A detailed breakdown of the current wave plan Excel
Bulk Export A detailed export of server and app information Zip

Exporting Power BI Report Elements

If your are looking for tabular extracts of data within Dr Migrate, consider using our Find Feature

Dr Migrate utilises Power BI to display its reports. As such, some elements from Power BI report can be exported.

For more information on how to export data from the Dr Migrate Report, please see here

Once the data has been downloaded, it will be placed in the Downloads folder.

The reports allow you to export in the current layout, and summarised data formats
The maximum number of rows that can be exported can export to an .xlsx file is 150,000 rows.

Downloading Report Extracts

Report extracts can be downloaded from the Dr Migrate VM using the File Management function.

Access File Management

File Management can be found in the burger menu, on the left hand side.

Access File Management

Upload File to Dr Migrate Storage

Click the Upload from DRM VM to Storage Account tab

Upload File

Click the Upload file Icon, search for the file you wish to upload, click submit. The file will be uploaded to the storage account.

Download from Dr Migrate Storage

Click the Download to DrM VM tab. Your Dr Migrate files can be downloaded here and saved to your own desktop, using the copy icon.

Upload File