Service Principal Update

Service Principals are leveraged to integrate to services within your Azure Tenant such as Azure Migrate in addition to performing automation tasks.

During the lifecycle of a deployment the Service Principal secret may need to be renewed.

Updating your Expired SPN is only supported in Marketplace deployments

Permissions Required

The least privileged approach to deployment required the following permissions:

  • Application Admin
  • Dr Migrate Admin

Azure Configuration

Find Existing Service Principal

Expired Secret

Locate the service principal that you configured during the initial setup of Dr Migrate, head to the Certificates and Secrets section for that Service Principal

Create New Client Secret

Expired Secret

Find “+ New client secret” in the central section.

Set Client Secret Properties

It is recommended to name the secret “drmigrate-secret”.

It is recommended to select a secret expiry of 6 months.

Once settings have been allocated, click “Add” to proceed.

Expired Secret

Dr Migrate Configuration

SPN Secret Admin

Login to your Dr Migrate instance, and Access the Admin section from the left hand menu

Expired Secret

Update SPN Secret

Enter your SPN Secret here, then click Update. Dr. Migrate will then re-connect to Azure Migrate inside the tenancy at this point.

Expired Secret