Data Migration Assistant

Microsoft’s Data Migration Assistant (DMA) helps you upgrade to a modern data platform by detecting compatibility issues that can impact database functionality when you:

  • Upgrade to a new version of SQL Server
  • Migrate to Azure SQL Database
  • Migrate to Azure SQL Managed Instance

For more information please visit the Microsoft documentation.

Dr Migrate integrates with DMA, to provide deeper insights into your data discovery at scale.

Whilst not required as Azure Migrate’s native SQL discovery is usually sufficient. Deeper insights can be provided by leveraging DMA with Dr Migrate.

Download Data Migration Assistant

DMA can be downloaded here.

When installing DMA, here are some Microsoft best practices prior to running the installation:

  • It is recommended to not running DMA directly on a SQL Server Host Machine.
  • It is recommended that you execute DMA from your Azure Migrate Virtual Machine.
  • It is required to execute DMA from a machine with network line-of-sight to the SQL Server machines that need to be assessed.
  • Execute the DMA against Non-Production Databases first, monitor performance and then run on Production databases.
  • Execute assessments on Production databases during non-peak times.
Microsoft’s Data Migration Assistant whilst running can impact the performance due to the required bandwidth.

Download SQL Advanced Analytics

Importing of DMA Upload is available inside the Advanced Mode only.

Switch your assessment type to Advanced Mode

Change Assessment Type

From the left hand side menu, select DMA Upload

DMA Menu

You can download the DMA Script from this screen. This will download a Zip file.

Populate DatabaseOwnerInformation.csv

DatabaseOwnerInformation.csv is used to denote the SQL Servers that you wish to execute DMA against. In the template you will need to fill out the following:

InstanceName: Example LAB3SRV0
DatabaseName Leave Blank (All databases inside the servers are enumerated)
DBOwner Fill in if known
Environment Fill in if known
aa_id Leave Blank
Target-SqlServer2012 if assessment required update to “Assess”
Target-SqlServer2014 if assessment required update to “Assess”
Target-SqlServer2016 if assessment required update to “Assess”
Target-SqlServerWindows2017 if assessment required update to “Assess”
Target-SqlServerLinux2017 if assessment required update to “Assess”
Target-AzureSqlDatabase if assessment required update to “Assess”
Target-ManagedSqlServer if assessment required update to “Assess”

Once completed, save this file.

Run DMA Script

Log into the server that you wish to run the DMA script from, it is recommend this is the server you have Azure Migrate installed on.

Open Powershell and execute the Lab3-DMAAssessment.ps1 script as an administrator.

Ensure that that the user you are running the PowerShell script from has SQL SysAdmin access to the target databases that you wish to assess. If this is not the case, use the –Credentials parameter for the PowerShell script to supply the appropriate credentials.

Using Windows Authentication

Enter the following Script in PowerShell

.\Lab3-DMAAssessment.ps1 -CsvFile C:\DMA\DatabaseOwnerInformation.csv

This will collect data for 1 day, every 10 minutes, using Windows Authentication, to connect to each SQL Server as defined in Severlist.csv.

Using SQL Authentication

Enter the following Script in PowerShell

.\Lab3-DMAAssessment.ps1 -CsvFile C:\DMA\DatabaseOwnerInformation.csv  -Credentials (Get-Credential)

Import DMA Output

After running the Dr Migrate PowerShell script which will automatically generate multiple JSON output files that will be downloaded to desired output location.

If no location is provided the JSON files will output to the same location the script was executed from.

Create Zip Archive

Create a zip archive the files.

If you are using 7Zip to compress your file, it may result in extra files being added to the .zip file which might cause an upload failure. We recommend using the Windows Standard Zip process.

Transfer Archive

Transfer the collected Analytics data to the Dr Migrate instance, this can be done using the File Management function.

Upload Archive

Please ensure that the file does not have any sensitivity labels or information protection rules applied to it. These restrictions affect the reading of the file.

From the DMA Upload Menu, select the outputted zip file from the SQL Advanced Analytics Script. Once selected, click submit to upload the file, and begin processing.

It will take between 10-15 minutes for the DMA Output to ingest. The Digital Reports will need to be refreshed after this has completed.