Azure Rightsizing Export

Dr Migrate offers tools that allow you to adjust the settings for the virtual machine (VM) type and disk setup. This allows you to override any of the SKU’s that have been chosen by Azure Migrate.

Additionally, the rightsizing report gives you a detailed export of the recommended Azure configurations for all the servers evaluated

How to Export

Azure Rightsizing Export is available in the Advanced Mode only.

Switch Assessment Type

Switch your assessment type to Advanced Mode

Change Assessment Type

Access Insights

The Azure Rightsizing Report Export can be found in the Insights chevron



Click on the “Generate” button to create a new export. Depending environment size, it may take between 1-15 minutes.



Once the export is generated, your download link will become available. To see the last time a report was generated, check the “Last Generated” column.

Click the copy icon and paste the secure link into your local desktop’s browser to download to your local machine.

Editing the Righzing Report

Once downloaded, you can open the file in Microsoft Excel, you should make any edits, and save this file.

Servers Tab

The first tab in the workbook is the Severs tab, this tab provides a list of all the servers that have been discovered by Dr Migrate, with a series of editable and non-editable fields.

The fields below are editable, all other fields can not be modified.

Field Usage
Target Azure Region The current Target Azure Region for this machine, this defaults to the region selected within Dr Migrate Setup, but can be modified to match your requirement
Chosen SKU The current Azure SKU for this machine, this is the SKU pulled from the Azure Migrate Assessment, it can be changed using the drop down.
Chosen Payment Model The current Payment Model for this machine, this defaults to the default SKU within Dr Migrate Setup, but can be modified to match your requirement.
Hybrid Benefit Setting If the machine should be priced with Azure Hybrid Benefit applied
SQL Hybrid Benefit Setting If the machine should be priced with Azure SQL Hybrid Benefit applied
Dev/Test Setting If the machine should be priced with Dev/Test Pricing applied
Hours Powered On (Daily) The number of hours this machine is powered on during an average day, this should be used in combination with the Dev/Test Setting
Backup Setting If the machine should be priced with Azure Backup
Disaster Recovery Setting If the machine should be priced with Azure Site Recovery

Disk Tab

The second tab in the workbook is the Disk tab, this tab provides a list of the disk details of all servers discovered, with a series of editable and non-editable fields.

Field Usage
Chosen Disk SKU The current Azure SKU for this machine, this is the SKU pulled from the Azure Migrate Assessment, it can be changed using the drop down.
Disk Size GB (Ultra & Premium SSDv2 Only) If the disk is sized for a Ultra or Premium SSDv2, its Size in GB will be shown here, else it will be blank
Provisioned IOPS (Ultra & Premium SSDv2 Only) If the disk is sized for a Ultra or Premium SSDv2, its amount of provisioned IOPS will be shown here, else it will be blank
Provisioned Throughput (MBPS) (Ultra & Premium SSDv2 Only) If the disk is sized for a Ultra or Premium SSDv2, its amount of provisioned throughput will be shown here, else it will be blank
Storage Target The desired target storage type for this disk, can choose from Managed Disk (default), Blob Storage - Hot, Blob Storage - Cool, Blob Storage - Archive, this defines how you would like the disk priced.
Payment Model (Blob Storage Only) If you have selected a Storage Type of Blob Storage Hot, Cool, or Archive, this field denotes the Payment model of PAYG, 1Yr, 3Yr.
Storage Redundancy (Blob Storage Only) If you have selected a Storage Type of Blob Storage Hot, Cool, or Archive, this field denotes the data redundancy for the stored data choose from LRS,ZRS,GRS,GZRS,RA-GRS,RA-GZRS

Editable fields are either changeable via, validated, drop-down, or free text, depending on the field.

Uploading the Rightsizing Export

Rightsizing Export Upload can be found in the menu, on the left hand side.

Access Bulk Tags

Once the export is uploaded, the Digital Reports will take approximately 15 minutes to update, and will begin automatically.